Finders Keepers by Nicole Williams
Series: Lost and Found #3
Publish Date: September 16, 2013
310 Pages
Source: Author for Review – Thank you!
Find it here: Goodreads / Amazon / B&N
There’s tortured. And there’s Garth Black.
His life has been a constant carousel of tragedy and disappointment, including his love life. Of course, applying the term “love” to Garth’s conquests is a gross misuse of the word. Some people were made to give and accept love, and others weren’t. Garth Black redefines the “others” category. He’s made a vow that the day he meets a woman who could sucker him into falling in love will be the day he runs away.
Garth’s plan has one flaw. What happens when he’s already fallen hard for a girl before the warning signs and red flags go up? What happens when the love he’s avoided his entire life brings him to his knees? What happens when Garth Black lets the dirtiest four letter word he’s ever known into his dark, lonely life?
This cowboy’s about to find out he can control some things, and he can’t control others. Number one on the what he can’t control list?
This is the third book in the Lost and Found Series.
I have done my best to keep this review spoiler-free
for the rest of the series
with the exception of the information that is included in the book summary
which is noted above.
Finders Keepers by Nicole Williams
My Thoughts: While I have loved loved loved this series from the beginning, I have not loved Garth Black from the beginning. In fact, I HATED HIM in the first book. And with good reason! In the second book, I started getting nervous because even though he wasn’t the main character – the book still mainly followed the story of Jesse Walker and Rowan Sterling – Garth Black was very much a key player and oh my gosh, my heart started to soften toward him. Like, a lot. In fact, the more I thought about mean ole’ Garth, the more I was really excited to read his story. HOW COULD THIS BE HAPPENING?
This distressed me greatly.
But it also made me really excited.
I’ve been very torn, you see.
(You can read my thoughts on Lost and Found HERE.)
(You can read my thoughts on Near and Far HERE.)
GARTH BLACK IS A COWBOY. Let’s just get that out of the way right now. He works on a ranch, drives a beat-up truck, and rides horses. He always, always wears jeans and boots. But Garth is a bit of a tortured soul, you see, and even though he is very skilled in his work – his people skills are sorely lacking.
First of all, Garth has had a really crappy life – all 21 years of it. Nothing like a constant reminder that you’re worthless and unwanted and a waste of breath to make a man want to drown his sorrows in Jack Daniels and women, right? Second of all, Garth Black has made some mistakes in his life – plenty of them – but there’s one in particular that has been following him around and haunting him for several years now. It’s on his mind nearly constantly and he just cannot shake what’s he’s done and how it has affected his life.
The thing about Garth Black that is so interesting is that he is best friends with Jesse Walker, the COWBOY from the first two books. YES, that Jesse Walker that I’ve been telling you about and shouting from the rooftops about and begging you ALL to read about over and and over. Why is this interesting? Because they’re so very different. Where Jesse chooses to always see the good in people and prefers to keep a clean mouth, Garth tends to think the world is out to get him – it’s Garth Black vs. the World – and he cusses like a sailor. Despite their differences, these two have had ups and downs and yet they’ve worked on mending their friendship throughout the course of the series, and I HAVE LOVED THAT. Perhaps that is why my heart softened toward Garth the way it did? No, I KNOW that is why my heart softened toward Garth the way it did – and as much as I love great relationships – I just hated that I was actually beginning to like the jerk that was Garth Black..
…until I began to know him. Until I began to read his story in this book. Until I began to read where he is in his life now and see the progression of this character not over just one book, but over three books. Good grief, THIS GUY, y’all. If there ever has been a character that has stolen my heart (even more than this guy), it’s Garth Black.
Garth isn’t the only thing that is great about Finders Keepers (although I could talk about him all day – and also Jesse Walker): this book features Josie Gibson. Josie has been present throughout the series right along with Garth – she was Jesse Walker’s girlfriend before, and she’s Rowan Sterling’s best friend now. Josie is just as good as Jesse is, really, with a heart of gold. Josie can see the good in Garth even when he doesn’t want people to know that anything good exists inside of him. With Jesse and Rowan now living out of town (not a spoiler), Josie is the only person left that believes in Garth enough to push him to be a better person – to encourage him, to pick him up when he hits rock bottom. And he does, he does. OH MY HEART.
Finders Keepers by Nicole Williams is a winner, you guys. It’s a male point-of-view – the male with the issue that he can’t seem to get over on his own. And heaven-love-me, he’s a cowboy, have mercy. The thing about Garth is that he isn’t broody or angsty or mysterious in the way that most of the New Adult guys are – this guy has actually, seriously had a hard time and he just really doesn’t know how to pick himself up. He hasn’t experienced love nor kindness, really. His defense mechanism is to act like an ass to everyone around him. Most people have accepted it by now and written him off. There are only a few people in his life that will even give him the time of day – you can pretty much count them on one hand – and Josie Gibson is one of them. Garth has decided – no, he knows – that he will never find love. He knows no one will ever love someone like him and besides, he doesn’t even believe in love anyway. He doesn’t even know what to do with simple kindness when it is shown to him.
Josie comes to Garth when he is at rock-bottom after a couple of really awful things happens to him with her own brand of “tough love” – it completely throws his world upside down. He literally has no idea how to handle it when someone as good as Josie takes the time to show him kindness, let alone love – the brotherly kind or any other kind. Garth has such a dramatic transformation from the beginning of this book to the end – but that’s a part of the transformation that began in the first book and has continued throughout this entire series.
Nicole Williams wins all of the awards. She wrote this character that I despised – and then I opened my heart to him – and now he kind of fills it. How does that happen, honestly? That you can just HATE a character so much at the beginning of a series and grow to love him fiercely over the course of a couple of books? It hasn’t happened to me often (or maybe ever?) and certainly not to this degree. The fact that he’s a hot cowboy is fun, but it has no bearing on this character transformation. Well played, Nicole Williams.
Finders Keepers is a great, great story that I feel like I waited ages for, and when I finally got to read it – I feel like I practically ate it. I love this series so much. So, so much. I love every character – the good and the bad, for their graces and their flaws. I love all of the development that happens with them. I love all of the personal crises that happen throughout the series, because it just means that the entire cast gets to rally and shine and be there for each other, this book included. As I’ve said with the previous two books, I will read this one over and over for ages. IT’S THAT GOOD. Definitely a favorite for me among all of the books and series out there.
I recommend Finders Keepers by Nicole Williams to fans of New Adult Contemporary Romance, fans of COWBOYS, fans of a male POV, fans of a great setting, and fans of those wonderful friendship-to-romance relationships. I recommend the whole Lost and Found Series to you ALL. In fact, I’m just flat-out pushing it on you. READ THESE BOOKS. And then come back and tell me how much you love them.

Finders Keepers will appeal to fans of:
New Adult Contemporary Romance
Romance: Slowly-Developing. No triangle.
Inclusion of characters from previous installments.
AMAZING Character Development
Male Point-of-View
Setting: A ranch in Montana!
Finders Keepers by Nicole Williams
is currently available for purchase.
I’m the New York Times and USATODAY bestselling author of the CRASH series (HarperTeen, S&S UK), LOST & FOUND series, UP IN FLAMES (S&S UK), The EDEN TRILOGY, and a handful of others. I write stories about everyday kinds of people who find themselves in extraordinary kinds of situations. I tell love stories with happy endings because I believe in making the world a better place, and that’s one tiny way I can make it so. I’m one of those people who still believe in true love and soul mates, and would rather keep my head in the clouds any day over having my feet firmly on the ground.
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Author Nicole Williams is generously offering:
(2) Print copies of Finders Keepers – Open International
(1) $50 Gift Card from – Open International,
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About Asheley
Asheley is a Southern girl. She loves Carolina blue skies, Ben & Jerry's ice cream, and NC craft beer. She loves all things history but prefers books over everything.
You can find her somewhere in North Carolina, daydreaming about the ocean.
Find Asheley on Litsy @intothehallofbooks!
Hmmm tortured cowboy, huh? SOLD. 🙂
Asheley. You had me at "COWBOY."
Done reading. Slow start for me..but it was worth it. Garth!
I'm seriously contemplating buying all of these books now because of this review. I want to see and understand the character growth of this tortured cowboy! Hmm… 🙂
It's cool to read about Garth's evolution from someone you hated to someone you totally loved.
Eeeeek– this is really funny because I literally just found these on goodreads this week and am dying to read them! 🙂
I am super excited to read this one! Definitely with you on slowly liking Garth Black because partway through Near and Far I was like, wait what. I LIKE this guy. I'm excited to get inside his head and see his story.