Publisher: St. Martin's Paperbacks

Bel, Book, and Scandal by Maggie McConnon Review

Bel, Book, and Scandal by Ma..

Review: I was intrigued when I received a digital copy of Bel, Book, and Scandal by Maggie McConnon for review. I’ve never read a cozy mystery before (to my knowledge) but I’ve always been curious about them. And I adore the covers with cozies. This particular story is the third installment in the Belfast McGrath […]

Posted January 4, 2018
Review | Maybe I Do by Nicole McLaughlin

Review | Maybe I Do by Nicol..

REVIEW I’ve been so excited about this book, not only because it’s the start of a new Nicole McLaughlin series, but because I can’t seem to get enough from her and I will read anything she writes. Her stories are always so fun to read but they always have what I consider a perfect amount […]

Posted August 29, 2017
Review | The Miss Match Series by Laurelin McGee

Review | The Miss Match Seri..

why i read it: I chose to read Miss Match by Laurelin McGee because I was in the middle of another book with heavier themes at the time and while I was enjoying it, I witnessed a tragic car accident and it made a pretty big impact on me. I was stuck in the traffic, watching […]

Posted April 22, 2017