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Click here to see Let’s Talk! |
I’m so excited that Melissa at i swim for oceans likes discussion posts because sometimes I get chatty and have things to say. Melissa has opened her Let’s Talk event up to the rest of us and I’m excited to be a part of it. Thanks, Melissa!
This week’s question:
What books have you read because of
the recommendations of book bloggers?
Well, a ton actually. But let me share a few…
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The Name of the Wind by Patrick Rothfuss |
I’m currently reading this beauty at the recommendation of April from Good Books and Good Wine. I am so in love with this book that I feel physical things in my heart while I’m listening to it & reading it. Yep, you saw right: I’m listening via audio AND reading along in print. Y’all I have it bad for Kvothe. I could drive up north and have a drink or four with April for this one. I will love Pat Rothfuss forever & I can’t coherently talk about Nick Podehl, the audio reader, without going into complete fangirl status. This recommend was legit, April!
(at 28 hours and 662 pages, this book is a chunkster that I’ve been enjoying for a long time as audio takes me a while to get thru – which is why I think I love it so much – because I’m SO INVESTED)
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Jellicoe Road by Melina Marchetta |
Before 2012, I practically NEVER read YA Contemporary. NEVER. But I did enjoy reading award-winning books. This book was recommended to me by Ashley from Basically Amazing Books and I ended up winning it in a contest from Jacinda from The Reading Housewives. I read it as part of an awards challenge but it was a tiny taste of contemporary for me as well. Ashley made me PROMISE not to give up on it – because it’s confusing. I’m glad I stuck it out. It WAS confusing at first, but I read it in one day and it is just an AMAZING book. I understood immediately why Marchetta’s fans are so loyal. Her writing is beautiful and delicious and perfect.
(I’m reading more YA Contemporary in 2012, you guys. I am. No worries.)
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On The Island by Tracey Garvis Graves |
This is a book that I discussed back and forth with April from Sim~Sational~Books where she reinforced that I would absolutely love it. She was so right! I sat down one day to read just a chapter or two of this book to get a feel for it before running some errands – sitting on the edge of the couch, keys in hand, not even comfortable because I was about to leave the house – and ended up never even putting my Kindle down until the book was over! I actually never even scooted all the way back on the couch. I read the entire book at one sitting, even re-reading some parts. I COULD NOT STOP, you guys! I couldn’t make myself! This is one of my favorites this year, easily.
I’ve read other titles after seeing gushing & raving by lots o’ bloggers:
Shatter Me by Tahereh Mafi
Where Things Come Back by John Corey Whaley
Anna and the French Kiss by Stephanie Perkins
Graffiti Moon by Cath Crowley
I’m also currently reading a box full of contemporary titles
that were not only recommended to me but loaned to me
so graciously and kindly by Tara from Hobbitsies, a Book Blog!
Best Recommendation Of All, EVER:
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Chaos Walking Trilogy by Patrick Ness |
Thank you Lisa from Lisa Is Busy Nerding!
I am somehow changed after reading these.
You guys have heard it before – just how much I love these books.
Solid Recommend from a great blogger friend.
She knows me!
What books have YOU read because of
book bloggers?
Did you love them?
Not love them?
I LOVE recommendations!
Do you have any for me??
Jellicoe Road is confusing, but so worth it in the end, right? I have yet to start the Rothfuss book, I finished Froi of the Exiles, which also weighs in at around 600 pages, and have needed some lighter reading for a bit! But I am on it soon!
Yes JR is so good! OH HOW I WANT TO GET TO Finnikin and Froi, but it's gonna take some time with Contemporary Month coming up. But it's driving me nuts that they're both just sitting there – waiting patiently for me. AAAHHH!! And I know whenever you start the Rothfuss, you'll love it as much as you like Fantasy. I ADORE the audiobook. I am in love with it in absolutely EVERY single way. Literally.
yay On the Island, I need to re-read that like yesterday. :0) Fancy that, I finally get a chance to blog hop this week, and your mentioning me. lol
I have to read some of Patrick Ness. I hear endless good things about all his stuff.
Patrick Ness is amazing. So is On The Island. 🙂
I will read The Name of the Wind this year. I WILL.
And I get you because you get me. We were made for the other. MWAH.
I am absolutely 100% certain you will love The Name of the Wind.
We WERE made for each one another. You are the best! xoxo
I might still be the only person on the planet who didn't like Jellicoe Road…but I did promise Ashley that I would give it another shot sometime, so there's still hope for me.
If you haven't read The Statistical Probability of Love at First Sight yet, I HIGHLY recommend it. In fact, if you asked me, I probably would be reduced to single word phrases because it was THAT GOOD. Seriously.
Jellicoe Road was one that sort of came together in the latter part of the book…but when it did it was like BOOM!
I've heard nothing but great things about The Statistical Probability of Love at First Sight. And I LOVE the cover for it. And the summary sounds really great. I'm sure I would love it!
Yay for Jellicoe Road!! One of the best book EVER! 🙂
Oh my goodness, I need to read Monsters of Men LIKE YESTERDAY! Seriously.
And huzzah for Kvothe love. Patrick Rothfuss is amazing, and you know I actually read the Name Of The Wind based on a blogger recommendation as well — Allison of The Allure Of Books recommended it.
Isn't it awesome getting a legit rec?
HIGHLY recommend the Slammed Series by Colleen Hoover. I read both books without getting up from my bed, just downloaded the second one and kept going. And I LOVED On the Island.
YAY! 😀 Do you know how RIDICULOUSLY happy it makes me to see you STILL talking about loving Jellicoe Road?! Sigh. SO MUCH THE HAPPY! :D:D:D
Also- YAY for reading more Contemporary and liking it! I've been super missing from the blogging world lately (boo) but I'm HOPING that will change soon! I have noticed a few of your Contemp posts though, which, even though I've been lame abt commenting, I have seen and they make me SO happy! YAY for you loving some Contemporary!! 😀
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