Author: Susan Wiggs

The Oysterville Sewing Circle by Susan Wiggs | Review

The Oysterville Sewing Circl..

REVIEW: The Oysterville Sewing Circle by Susan Wiggs has been a great distraction for me while I wait for Hurricane Dorian to get here. I loved this one like I love her other stories. Susan Wiggs is a total auto-read author for me. While I was reading, I kept thinking about how this is a […]

Posted September 4, 2019
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Between You and Me by Susan Wiggs | Review

Between You and Me by Susan ..

Review: Between You and Me by Susan Wiggs is yet another book that I wish I had read along with someone else because I so wish I could have discussed these characters’ lives and choices as they were living and making them. By the time I got to the later parts of the story and […]

Posted June 29, 2018
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Summer at Willow Lake by Susan Wiggs | Review

Summer at Willow Lake by Sus..

Review: I loved this book. Summer at Willow Lake is the beginning of a series of family saga stories with a lot of time spent focusing on the main characters, there is also much (maybe equal?) page time given to introducing the secondary cast for future installments. In this case, the entire extended Bellamy family […]

Posted May 16, 2018
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Map of the Heart by Susan Wiggs | Review

Map of the Heart by Susan Wi..

Review: Map of the Heart by Susan Wiggs is a standalone story with dual timelines, set in present day with flashbacks to WWII-era France. This is the story of a woman that is afraid to loosen up and live because she is crippled by fear and past hurts. It’s also a story of family. Camille […]

Posted May 15, 2018