Series: Everything We Keep

Review | Everything We Left Behind by Kerry Lonsdale

Review | Everything We Left ..

Review: As soon as I finished Everything We Keep, I started reading this book. I loved the first one, but when I realized the second book would be featuring James/Carlos, I was all in. His story seemed so mysterious and after the first book had that crazy ending, I just had to know more about…what […]

Posted July 21, 2017
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Review | Everything We Keep by Kerry Lonsdale

Review | Everything We Keep ..

Review: I’ve been captivated by the cover of Everything We Keep by Kerry Lonsdale since I first saw it last year. There’s just something about looking at the back of a person staring off into the distance that intrigues me. I don’t know why. But since I first saw this cover, this book has been on […]

Posted July 19, 2017