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Click HERE to check out Top Ten Tuesday at The Broke and the Bookish |
Ten of the Best Books I’ve
Read in 2011
Read in 2011
I started this list thinking it would be easy, but
it was super hard!
I’ve read SO MANY GREAT BOOKS this year.
And there are like 100 I didn’t put on this list!
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Destined by Jessie Harrell (my review) |
I am a sucker for mythology, folks, and this is by far
my favorite of the re-tellings or adaptations
that I’ve read this year.
And it’s Cupid and Psyche, one of my favorite myths.
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The Iron Fey Series by Julie Kagawa: The Iron King (my review) The Iron Daughter The Iron Queen The Iron Knight (my review) |
I sobbed like a baby through the second half of this series.
(I rarely do that. Honest.)
I read the entire series in a really short time.
I read along with blogger friends
and was Team Ash all the way.
I’m SO SAD this series is finished.
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Fire by Kristin Cashore
This is the first book I read in 2011 after having |
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The Night Circus by Erin Morgenstern (my review) |
I can’t even believe this book. I love it so much it hurts.
I hugged it so hard after I finished it and then painfully
had to return it to the library. I need to buy it, like, yesterday.
A love like Celia and Marco have…
– so intimate yet without touching –
have mercy…
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Paper Towns by John Green |
I’m one of John Green’s biggest fans.
This is my favorite of his books.
I read it this year and I love it so much.
That is all.
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The Reading Promise by Alice Ozma |
This is one of the best books I’ve ever read in my life.
Yes, it’s non-fiction. But that shouldn’t stop ANYONE
from reading it. It is beautiful and if you haven’t read it,
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The Lover’s Dictionary by David Levithan (my review) |
I don’t even have the words to fully express
how much I love this book.
So I’ll just have to let you all imagine it for yourselves.
But my heart swelled so big it almost burst,
all from alphabetical wordplay.
So much emotion. So much.
(my reviews are yet unposted)
I wondered why Jamie (@brokeandbookish)
loved these books so much…
until I read them. Weeks and weeks later,
I’m still struggling to make coherent sentences about them.
I know Fever isn’t out yet (Feb ’12) but
WOW WOW WOW, you guys.
Beautiful writing, brilliant story.
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We The Animals by Justin Torres (my review) |
This book changed my life a little bit, and still is.
I read it on recommendation from Adam (@RoofBeamReader).
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Daughter of Smoke & Bone by Laini Taylor (my review) |
This story is one of those “total package” stories…
excellence in everything. Also, another case where
barely any physical touching
between the characters escalates the romantic tension
and the effect is dizzying.
I loved this book SO HARD.
(Laini Taylor, I’m holding my breath for the next part of the story!)
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Incarnate by Jodi Meadows (my review) |
This book is coming SOON!!! *Yay!*
Oh. My. Word.
Thinking about this book gives me palpitations.
Thinking about the next book makes me nearly pass out.
I have a ridiculous book crush, and it’s all RIGHT HERE.
I love every single thing about this book. Period.
(Only a few more days until release, everyone!!!)
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Chaos Walking Trilogy by Patrick Ness: The Knife of Never Letting Go The Ask and The Answer Monsters of Men |
Anyone who knows anything about me at all knows that
I read this series this year on the recommendation of Lisa (@heylisarenee), and
I cried STUPIDLY when it was over. Like an idiot.
I could. not. help. it.
And I don’t often do things like that, y’all.
I’ll be reading these books again in 2012, and
they’ll be on this list again one year from now.
I loved this series so much, I still haven’t even
been able to review it.
Maybe one day.
Yes, I realize that is more than ten…
But I don’t often abide by the rules when I do this meme.
It was hard enough to cut it back this far!
Lisa is legit as far as book recommendations go.
I'm terrified to read Monsters of Men because I know it will slay me and because I don't want to leave Todd Prentiss's world. Also because I've still got Manchee trauma.
Okay and I did not know the other Iron Fey books were sad! I've only read the first two.
Also I want to read every single book on this list that I have not already read BECAUSE IT ALL LOOKS SO GOOD!
I love your list. I am a huge Jahn Green fan and Paper Towns is one of my favorites. I also read and adroed Daughter of Smoke and Bone and The Lover's Dictionary this year.
Please take a look at my new challenge to read the ALA YA Book Award winners for 2012.
What a great list! I totally agree with The Iron Fey series – I cried as well, and it's not often books do that to me!
And I agree with Daughter of Smoke and Bone too – I really enjoyed it!
Tara @ Hey, Tara
I can't wait to read The Iron Fey series! I got The Iron King from my Secret Santa. So excited! I'm also so glad to keep seeing The Night Circus on everyone's list. I love it so much I made a fansite and a board on Pinterest for it!
I loved The Night Circus
Here’s my Top Ten Tuesday post. 🙂
I adore your list! Adore it! Fire is so, so incredible! I need Bitterblue RIGHT NOW! I also loved The Night Circus and The Lover's Dictionary.
My Top Ten Favorites
You have a lot of passion for the books on this list, it's inspiring! I'm bookmarking this post because I'm going to want to refer to it later, a lot of these have been on my radar for some time and I just haven't gotten around to them (The Knife of Never Letting Go, The Night Circus, Lover's Dictionary, The Iron Fey series, Daughter of Smoke and Bone, Wither and Fever).
Also, Paper Towns is my favorite John Green book, too. I can't wait for The Fault in Our Stars.
Thanks so much for including DESTINED in your list. I'm humbled to be in such great company!!
Your list is amazing – I think I all the books on here are on my "to be read soon" list – except The Night Circus which I read – and agree – amazing!
Great list, Asheley!! I JUST bought Destined yesterday and I'm extremely excited now!! I loved Fire, such a great story, and I SO need to read the Chaos Walking series soon.
Jess @ Gone with the Words
My TTT post!
I know, this was so hard to post! But definitely agree with The Iron Fey and Paper Towns. amazing <3. Loads of these are on my tbr, so it's great to know they're that good! Great list 😀
Ah! LOVE your enthusiasm!!! At least 4-5 of your choices are on my Must-Read, but now I'm sad I hadn't dove in sooner!! Lol. Of your list, I've read Fire, which is very well written and I cannot wait for Bitterblue, too!! I follow via Networked Blogs as Laura Armstrong, but my blog is over here…. http://www.burgandyice.blogspot.com
Wow! Loads of great books. I have Incarnate waiting for me in my pile and I can't wait to get to it. Wither made my list too!
Yes to the Chaos Walking Trilogy! They topped my list for the year too. 🙂
Alison at The Cheap Reader
This is the second time I've seen Lover's Dictionary one a favorites list and it's making me think I should really check it out. I love David Levithan, so I don't really know why I haven't already read it, haha. Great list!
My Top Ten