Ten Books I Love To Recommend!

Posted March 26, 2013 by Asheley in Uncategorized / 44 Comments

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at The Broke and the Bookish

Ten Books I Love to Recommend!

Only Ten? Oh my goodness!

1. The Chemical Garden Trilogy by Lauren DeStefano

These are some of my favorites even though I know
they’re not for everyone. 
But you don’t know until you try, right? 
My in-real-life friends and I have LOVED reading these together
and now some of my bookish reading friends are doing the same! 


Laini Taylor

Some of my all-time favorites, so I must recommend them to others.

No one can write quite like Laini Taylor, can create a world like her. 
These books are some of the most emotional and make me feel EVERYTHING.
(I highly recommend the audiobooks too!)


3. The Song of Achilles by Madeline Miller

This book is FANTASTIC. If you are a lover of mythology, 
you should read this one. It is so well-written and is an award-winner too. 


4. Rootless by Chris Howard

One of my favorite books from fall of 2012, this one
just blew me away. Adventure, great characterization, 
world-building, and a respectable male lead in YA?
Yep, it’s all in there. 
Can’t wait for the rest of this series and yet I’m content waiting
because this book is just so dang good that I’m not stressed in the meantime.
(Another fantastic audiobook.)



5. A Reliable Wife & Heading Out to Wonderful
 by Robert Goolrick

I LOVE THESE BOOKS SO MUCH. I love this author’s writing. 
It’s so raw and filled with so much emotion. Heartbreak and love, 
pain and joy. Everything. It’s historical fiction, 
but it isn’t like super-old historical fiction. 


6. Hounded by Kevin Hearne
(The Iron Druid Chronicles)
 by Kevin Hearne

Urban fantasy that both guys and girls can enjoy? YES PLEASE!
This is one of the best books out there. So much fun, so much fun. 
I try and PUSH it on people whenever I get the chance and
usually it pays off.  


7. Daughter of the Forest by Juliet Marillier

I love this book so much for everything about it. It’s part of a larger series 
but sometimes when I love a first book as much as I love this one, I have a hard time
moving on to the rest of the series. Such is the case here. 
I want everyone that loves 
fantasy with strong female leads to read this one. NOW.


8. The Name of the Wind
 by Patrick Rothfuss

I feel like this book should always be accompanied by a song or fanfare 
If you are a fan of fantasy, read it. That is all. 
(VERY HIGHLY recommend the audiobook.) 


9. The Iron Fey Series by Julia Kagawa

You guys, I love fae lore and faerie books. I love the world-building in 
these books. I am a forever Julie Kagawa fangirl, as many of you are. 
These books are just good fun. They also ripped my heart out a few times
and then patched it back together. They are always, always top
recommends of mine. 
(Another group of wonderful audiobooks.)


10. The Chaos Walking Trilogy by Patrick Ness

One of the best recommends I’ve ever gotten 
these books are forever in my heart as top, top, top favorites. 
They make me feel EVERYTHING x 10000. 
They’re incredibly discussable. 
They are widely re-readable. 
They’re award-winning. 
(The award-winning audiobooks are highly recommended too!)


Truthfully, I recommend books all the time! 
And my recommends differ based on who I’m 
recommending to.

Have you read any of the books on my list?

What are your top recommends??
Leave me a link so I can visit!


Don’t forget to click HERE for a chance to win 
a copy of the brilliant debut IF YOU FIND ME by Emily Murdoch
(US/Canada only, this time). International friends, I have something coming 
for you in the next couple of days!


About Asheley

Asheley is a Southern girl. She loves Carolina blue skies, Ben & Jerry's ice cream, and NC craft beer. She loves all things history but prefers books over everything.

You can find her somewhere in North Carolina, daydreaming about the ocean.

Find Asheley on Litsy @intothehallofbooks!


44 responses to “Ten Books I Love To Recommend!

  1. I need to finish The Chemical Garden Trilogy. I'm not gonna lie though, I'm putting it off because I'm worried. The Iron Fey series is soooo good and everyone should read them. I still need to read The Chaos Walking series.

    • I understand why you're worried and I remember your feelings about the first two books. Sever is the least dark of the three, though. I'm interested in your thoughts if you do decide to finish the series!

      Remember when we read Iron Fey together? SO MUCH FUN.

    • Rootless is AMAZING. I love it so much. So very much! Hope you get a chance to read it super soon.

      And YAY for adding The Chaos Walking Trilogy! They're some of the most well-written and fantastic books I've ever read.

    • Daughter of Smoke & Bone is absolutely one of my favorite books EVER and the end of the series is one of my most anticipated reads for the future. I have no idea what will happen but I can't wait to find out. I know I'll be re-reading this series for years to come AND listening to it.

  2. Every time I'm at the bookstore I pick up a copy of The Song of Achilles, but for some reason, I put it down. I'm a huge fan of Greek/Roman mythology and I've only heard good things about this book so I definitely want to read it.

  3. I'm so happy to see the Chaos Walking trilogy on here!!! I think this series has gotten way less attention than it deserves because it is so fantastic. ALL THE FEELS. Seriously. I cried so much throughout this series.

    • Chaos Walking is one of those series that I can barely even talk about. I just love it so much after it was recommended by a good reading friend. I creeped my way through it, absorbing every detail, and I've re-read it. And I bought it in every format. It's probably my favorite.

  4. I know I have a ton load of past posts to go thru, but I'm just stopping by to look at book recommendations today. I definitely trust your choices, and the few of these I've read, I ADORE – Daughter of Smoke and Bone, Daughter of the Forest, The Iron Fey and Chaos Walking – that last book is looming at me :). I plan to read through The Chemical Garden this year, and I still thin that Song of Achilles cover is one of the best ever. It just speaks to me! I'm afraid of Robert Goolrick's books. But the fact that you love them speaks volumes and I would like to try one of them out.

    • The Song of Achilles cover IS really good, I agree on that! It's a great book for mythology lovers. I ADORE Robert Goolrick's books – so much emotion packed in there and those romances AAAHHH. His language is so perfect and lovely and wonderful and he writes from his heart. I can't say enough great things about those books. I really think more people should read them. And OF COURSE I like them because they're so discussable.

  5. I am SO glad you recommended Daughter of Smoke and Bone and The Chaos Walking Trilogy (which I never would have read otherwise – still need to read #2 & 3). Part of the reason I trust your reviews so much is because when I decide to read a book based on your recommendation, I am NEVER disappointed. 🙂 Great list, Asheley!

    • YAY! Those are two great series! Chaos Walking gets more intense the further you get into it, which is one of the things that I love about it. I think I love those two series so much because they bring out so much emotion in the reader, and I'm such an emotional reader to begin with, so me + those books are such a good pair as far as emotions go. And of course, if books make me feel things, I want other people to read them too so they'll feel things.

      But then again, with recommending books, there's always that fear that people won't like books. Which is totally okay, but still. EEK.

  6. Ems

    Oh man, Laini Taylor!!! I LOVE those books. I very nearly included them in my list for today. Also love The Iron Fey and The Chemical Garden.

    I will have to check out the others on your list!

    My Top Ten

    • YAY for Chemical Garden! Those are favorites of mine. So, so great and I can't believe that series is over!! I want to re-read the Iron Fey books. And I'm so excited about what will happen in the final Smoke and Bone book. (I'm also scared to pieces. I won't lie!)

  7. You know I already LUUURVE a lot of the books on your list!

    I can't believe I STILL haven't read A Reliable Wife or Daughter of the Forest – what is wrong with me???

    Aaand I just added Rootless and Hounded to my TBR…both sound amazing!!

    • I'd be SO interested to see what you think of a Robert Goolrick book and I KNOW without a doubt that you'll love Daughter of the Forest. YOU WILL. Go forth and read them. Do it!

      And YAY TO YOU for adding Rootless and Hounded! Both of those books are such fun, fun books.


    Dude yes yes yes to all of the ones I have read. Even yes to Monsters of Men even though I am too scared to read it. Sobs.

    AND YES fanfare should always always accompany The Name Of The Wind, I agree.

    And because I love your taste I need to read A Reliable Wife ASAP and Song Of Achilles.

    • Monsters of Men is super intense but so worth it!

      I KNOW that you will love A Song of Achilles. I KNOW IT. And I feel pretty certain that you would love A Reliable Wife too. Robert Goolrick is pretty amazing with his historical fiction.

  9. After reading your review of The Song of Achilles and finding a Kindle deal for it, I bought it. Still have yet to read it, but I will soon! I definitely agree about Daughter of the Forest and Daughter of Smoke and Bone (ha). I'm planning on starting The Chemical Garden trilogy, The Chaos Walking trilogy, and The Name of the Wind in the near future!

    My TTT

    • The great thing about buying a book when it is on special for a Kindle is that it is ALREADY THERE so whenever you want to start it, all you have to do it turn the thing on! It's a great book and I hope you enjoy it!

      The Chemical Garden Trilogy is AMAZING – some readers find it dark, but if you stick with it the payoff is there! Chaos Walking is intense but incredible. And OH MY GOODNESS if you loved Daughter of the Forest, you'll likely like The Name of the Wind too! I'm excited to see what you think of all of these!

  10. Woo Hoo! Smoke & Bone Trilogy!! Woo Hoo! Chemical Garden trilogy (so glad you have gotten me started on that one, A!) and Woo Hoo! Iron Fey!

    AND, I am really excited about this, I just got Rootless from a bloggy friend yesterday and I am so stoked to read it. Why? Because you recommended it, that's why! Wasn't this a fun Top Ten topic? I had a great time putting my list together (even though I cheated and did a Top twelve:)

    • I'm so excited about the Chemical Garden reading and discussing!! There are some big things coming up with that one, H. BIG THINGS.

      YAYYYY ROOTLESS YAYYYY I hope you love it. Mike and I re-read it on our road trip to the mountains the other weekend – we had it on audiobook and I followed along on Kindle while Mike drove. He liked it a lot! It's so much fun! I hope you like it.

      And I TOTALLY understand putting more than 10 on there – notice I snuck several series??

  11. Kay

    A Reliable Wife was a great book. I still need to read the Song of Achilles. Bumping that up higher on my TBR list now. 🙂

    You have an amazing list!

    Scorpio Races is an awesome book along with Before I Fall. I almost put The Disreputable History on my list. I totally should have. That book was so much fun!

    Now following you on Twitter!

    MY TTT

    • YES A RELIABLE WIFE WAS FANTASTIC!!! Definitely one of my favorites! So glad you think so! 🙂

      I actually considered putting The Scorpio Races on my list but at the last minute I took it off and traded for something else. That is one incredible book as well!

  12. OMG LOVE Chaos Walking!!!! AND The Iron Fey!!! And I can't believe I forgot to add Daughter of Smoke and Bone! I suck! BUT I am totally going to have to add the Achilles book to my TBR list and move up Wither 🙂

  13. Sometimes it's the discussable books that are more fun to recommend than the ones we just love so much we can't even describe why. I almost put on my list a book I didn't actually care for but that I love talking about so much that I tell everyone I know to read it. 🙂

  14. So I'm just going to make myself a wishlist on Amazon and call it Asheley Rec's lol A lot of these I have queued up to read soon (Chaos Waling, Name of the Wind), and some I've wanted to pick up because of you and others on twitter (Daughter of the Forest, Druid books), but I'm REALLY interested in reading Robert Goolrick's books now!

  15. I've heard so many amazing things about Daughter of the Forest. I actually put it on hold the other day, so hopefully it comes in soon!! I saw it mentioned quite a bit for TTT.

  16. I have realized one very scary thing – I've read NONE of the books on this list! YIKES. But don't worry! I promise that I've lined up Daughter of the Forest, The Iron King, The Knife of Never Letting Go and The Name of the Wind to read at some point this year. Perhaps I shall hit you up to discuss? 🙂

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