Giveaway Event | Dreaming Of Books (Open Worldwide)

Posted January 16, 2015 by Asheley in Uncategorized / 80 Comments

Click HERE for participating blogs!

When I saw the title and graphic for this giveaway — Dreaming of Books — I wanted to participate in this giveaway event because one of my favorite things to do is read at the end of the day, before bed. 

A couple of months ago, I participated in a ‘Getting To Know You’ giveaway – I shared a few details about myself and asked giveaway participants to share something about themselves for an entry into the contest. It was probably the most fun I’ve ever had with a giveaway because I found that I’m very much like many of you guys out there and that we’re all a little quirky.

Get to know me, “Dreaming-of-Books” style
  1. I ALWAYS read before bedtime. Every. Single. Night. If I don’t read at least a little bit, it will take me forever to fall asleep…  
  2. …however sometimes I’m so tired that I only make it through two or three pages before I fall asleep with the book or my Kindle in my hands. 
  3. I prefer reading for-fun books before bedtime. I like to save review books for morning reading or throughout the day when I get a chance. (Just like at night, I read every single morning without fail.)
  4. I recently went through a stage of reading only my Kindle at night because it is so lightweight and only requires one hand vs. a physical book that is heavier and requires a second hand to turn the page – THAT’S SO LAZY, isn’t it?! 
  5. Sometimes I listen to audiobooks at bedtime, but I have fallen asleep while listening several times and had to go back and find my place. I need to remember to set the sleep timers on those things! 
  6. I can stand a little bit of background noise earlier in the day BUT the closer it is to bedtime, the quieter I like it while I’m reading. This is a challenge sometimes with a house full of people. (:
I could list a few more night-time reading habits or quirks, but I want to hear from YOU. I love the idea of getting to know other readers and bloggers better! 

I’m going to be giving away a book of your choice, 
up to $15, from either Amazon or Book Depository.
Good Luck!  

Open Worldwide ~ Ends January 26

Click HERE for the list of participants! 


About Asheley

Asheley is a Southern girl. She loves Carolina blue skies, Ben & Jerry's ice cream, and NC craft beer. She loves all things history but prefers books over everything.

You can find her somewhere in North Carolina, daydreaming about the ocean.

Find Asheley on Litsy @intothehallofbooks!


80 responses to “Giveaway Event | Dreaming Of Books (Open Worldwide)

  1. I read until i feel tired lol . I'm trying not to read at midnight because i tend to forget the time . When i went to check the time its almost morning ==

  2. I find that if I put the book on my nightstand I can't fall asleep so I always tuck it somewhere in the bed with me. It just helps me sleep better to know it's a few inches closer. Weird? Of course!

  3. I also have to read before going to sleep at night. Now I prefer to read on my iPad mini, because, as you say, it is lighter than most books. Also it is great if you are reading in the dark or low light!

  4. I read before I sleep. No matter how late it is or how many HW I need to accomplish, I need to read leisurely before I sleep to keep me sane from all the stress haha.

  5. I read every night until my eyes close. Fell asleep the other night and dropped the Kindle on my face. I'm lucky I don't have a black eye. lol

  6. I don't read much at night, but I love reading early in the morning. My husband sometimes thinks I am crazy, when he wakes up and I am already reading but still in bed.

  7. I cannot fall asleep until I read at least a few pages in a book. The bad part is, if I am reading a fantastic book, I get completely hooked and don't stop until I crash. Then wake up in the morning with a book somewhere under the covers.

  8. Isa

    I always need to read before I sleep, sometimes I dream about the book I'm currently reading as well. Thank you for the giveaway, enjoy your day. 🙂

  9. I too prefer reading before bedtime, and it has to be quiet! I can't read in the car or while traveling as I get bad headaches and motion sickness 🙁

  10. I like to read a little before bed, until I start falling asleep. Only if the book is really good, sometimes I have to make myself put it down and go to sleep so I can get up and go to work the next day.

  11. I like to read out loud as if i'm one of the characters in the story haha it's kind of embarrassing but I love it! It really gets me into the story. Thank you for this amazing chance! 🙂

  12. I love to read at night before I go to bed it usually takes my mind off of the events of the day, sometimes though I stay awake too long when super interesting book, but usually, I hear a thud and book lands on the floor and I roll over and go back to sleep.

  13. I usually prefer to read in longer chunks. Unless I have half an hour or an hour to read, I'll usually skip reading and just play a game on my phone to relax before bed. But I do love to read and I take time on my days off to dive into books. It's just a funny quirk that I prefer to have longer blocks of time to do it, and I don't always get that time every day.

  14. I am like you-I read myself to sleep unless it is a book I just can't put down and then I read until one or two at night. I read a lot but I am a fast reader.
    I like these blog hops since I get introduced to a lot of authors/blogs I have yet been to

  15. No, I do not read before bed because then I would not be able to sleep until I finished the book! Since I have to get up at 3:30 every morning for work, I cannot afford to not sleep!

  16. I have to finish the chapter. I find if I don't, I lose a bit of the storyline, and have to re-read a couple of pages. I also have to have a little snack.

  17. There are times when I can't read something new at night, not always, just sometimes. I just get too worked up over it and my mind won't shut off. Now with a book I've read several times (and could probably quote parts off the top of my head) is a different story. That I can read until my eyes are so tired I can't read the words anymore. Thanks for the chance to win.

  18. My night-time reading quirks are that when I crawl into bed I like complete silence. I do not want the TV or radio playing. No back ground noise because I like to concentrate on the book I am reading.

  19. I too have to read before bed even if it's only a few pages. The only problem is sometimes I end up either falling asleep with my face in my book or staying up way later than I should 😉

  20. Quirks? Don't think so. I usually read before bed but in the recliner in the living room. The bedroom just isn't set up for reading comfortably, and my hubs would object.

  21. Although I can read when it's noisy, I always prefer quiet. My favorite place to read is in bed. I'm an eclectic reader and pick genres according to my mood. I can't read two books by the same author in a row, even if it's my favorite author. I need variety in genre and writing style from one book to the next.

    Thanks 🙂

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