You guys see this picture to the left? The one with my toes and my Coke and my Kindle? This is the cute picture I was using last year for my 2014 Contemporary Event, which was scheduled for July – I LOVE doing these every year, reading the contemporaries, talking about them, all of that. Some years have been more successful than others even though I haven’t been doing it for that long.
Last year, I was all set to do Contemporary Month by myself technically for the first time, which was totally fine. I picked July because, summer books yessss. (Although we all read contemps anytime, obviously.) And then life happened in the form of THE BIG MOVE on July 14th. Like, we found out that we had to move a couple weeks before then and we packed for like a week and then we moved on July 14th and then unpacked for the rest of the month.
Event = completely ruined.
Contemporary Month basically fizzled out before it even gained any momentum, because this move was unplanned and my family needed me – sometimes things like this happen in life. I mean, the name of the event was REAL LIFE HAPPENS, how appropriate, right? I was so sad about it then because I just love stories about real life, I love talking about them on my blog so much, and I just felt sad that I had three full boxes of contemps + a Kindle-full and there. they. sat.
Until two days ago!
In looking around lately at things that make me happy and keep my bloggy-momentum, I want to do my Contemporary Event. I love it so much. With things up in the air with my Dad, I’m not 100% sure what this event will look like yet exactly, to be honest. But I want to do it anyway. I unpacked my three boxes of contemporary books, and many of them were books that were to be given away – a few are from publishers (better late than never, right?) and some are books that I can give to new homes because I also have a digital copy. Also:
I think having so many unread books in boxes while I’m waiting for my permanent house is sad, I think I need to read them & give them away.
— Asheley Tart (@BookwormAsheley) March 17, 2015
I can perhaps re-buy these books later when I have a house with a thousand bookshelves, which will totally absolutely be happening. #dreams
— Asheley Tart (@BookwormAsheley) March 17, 2015
Some of the contemporaries I want to read and talk about are books that I have for review and oops I’m a little behind, no better time! Some are summer books, perfect timing! Some are books that have been recommended to me and doggone it, I just want to read them. Some are rereads, and in some cases some are series I want to binge/finish. I want to review, I want to make lists, I want to have discussions.
So, help me out here: I don’t know that it needs to be contained within one month exactly. Should it? Should there be one month of just contemporary? Or should there be other things in there too? (Probably.) Should it be spaced out over the length of summer? (This would give me wiggle room when I miss days, like with my Dad’s physicians appointments and plus there are a lot of books, you guys.) Spacing it out would give me the time to take my time and blog the best that I can, which is my favorite way. BUT would people get tired of it? I doubt it, especially if they know it is an event, especially if I mix it with some other stuff – if it is over the summer, it shouldn’t be the same thing over and over for the entire three-ish months. Variety, see. I have not done it this way before. If I do it this way, it will be new.
ALSO: I’d like to use the same picture from up there! What do you think? It reminds me of where my old home, it’s from my backyard and I’m a little homesick. Is that lame? Should I do a new one? Real life happened to me, and the name of the event was/will be REAL LIFE HAPPENS, so should I stick with the picture I didn’t get to use or should I do a new one for 2015? TELL ME YOUR THOUGHTS ON THIS AND BE HONEST. Totally honest.
That was a lot of stream-of-consciousness, but I guess what I’m asking is: what are your best ideas for my contemporary event? (That’s presumptuous, isn’t it?) In the past, I’ve always done one month of flat-out contemporary. I’m thinking that switching it up may be the best thing for me, but what do you guys think? I want you guys to be participants in the discussion, to talk to me about these books. You guys are much of the reason that I love contemporary in the first place, so it’s important to me that you are with me.
I love contemporaries and I will enjoy the event no matter how you decide to structure it. Look forward to it!
Jen at YA Romantics